Wednesday, 5 December 2012

my analysis for my market research

here we designed a questionnaire for my media studiesw market research, i used a software called to help me get sort out my survey, this software helps me get all the information i need and all the data for my audiences purpose for a DJ magazine 

here is the link for my questionnaire
 i would appreciate if you could spend a small amount of time to fill out this questionnaire to help me with my research...thank you very much :)

Saturday, 24 November 2012

codes and conventions

what are codes and conventions?
there are codes and convention applied to almost all magazines. some only exist to cover up the style of music they present. there are many different terms that are used for this, for eg-
page numbers
colour scheme 
style of photography
writing style
pull quotes 
cover lines
bar codes
the way these elements are presents is depending on what genre of magazine you are analyzing. every time you will analyze a magazine  the best way you can explore it is by using the codes and conventions, and see how they are used in different magazines, because all magazines would show the codes and conventions in there own way, some magazines codes and conventions are stronger then others, it all depends on how it is presented to an audience.

Here are some examples of some music front cover magazines and how the codes and conventions are being used in the magazine to make up the actual magazine 
Here the general uses of the codes and conventions are that the colour scheme of this magazine is very set. such as it has a very dull background with the plain black, and also has the image in a black and white picture, this could show that there is a serious side to this person or emotional side. the use of colour used in this magazine is very little you only get hints of colour being used on the text, this is maybe that there is certain parts in the text where the magazine wants the audience to catch there eye. the style of photography being used in this particular magazine is that the picture of the music artist has wind blowing in her hair in one direction, and also a medium shot of the actual person, this captures the body posture of the artist and also it catches the emotion in the face which can tell you what maybe there story in the magazine is about. there is very little writing on this magazine, maybe because the magazine is mainly focusing on the main story of the magazine and that is the story with the picture of the artist is linked with. but there is very little writing on the side so it shows what else is in the magazine.

Here the use of codes and convention on this magazine front cover is that the colour scheme shows a very strong patriotic look towards it. this shown by the colour scheme with the white, blue and red. even the image being used the photography is mainly just a mid shot of the band in the middle, holding up a Britain flag over two of the members shoulders, this does represent that this band does come from Britain and they are representing their country. the text being applied on this magazine is very in your face, there is the main heading in the middle which is about the main story of the magazine, it also mentions 'COOL BRITANNIA!' this shows that this band supports where they are from even though they are going on a tour around the world, it shows that they are proud of where they are from as well. the font of the text if various, because the sub headings on the side the text is not very big, you can just about read it but when you see the text in the middle it stands out to you in big bold letters this is to make sure that it catches the audiences eyes so it brings them in and makes them want to know more about what the text is telling them. on this magazine it has a skyline which reads out 'KERRANG! AWARDS 2010: THE WINNERS REVEALED' this shows that there has been an award show based on acts that appear within the kerrang category. and in the magazine it shows the winners for those people who may have missed the actual shows of the awards.

Here the uses of codes and conventions being used on this front cover magazine called 'VIBE' the colour scheme of this shows it has gone with a simple colour layout of red, gold and white, it shows that they have kept the colours of this magazine simple so that the it isn't bombarding the audience with this colour show,they have kept it nice and simple so it has a nice flow, again with the type of photography being used in this magazine is that it is in black and white which means that their is a serious side to the music artist, and also it could mean he means business. the camera shot being taken of this artist is a mid shot, this is showing the artists posture and the type of clothing he is wearing, and all this shows the type of man this artist is, the picture is shot with the artist wearing a big chain around his neck this could show that he has money. also all the bling like the big faced watch and the way he is holding his belt and showing it off to the camera shows he is a wealthy man. the text being used for this front cover magazine is again very simple so that the audience doesn't get bored and lose track of the magazine. there is very little on the front cover explaining about what is happening on the inside of the magazine, this might mean that the magazine company wants the main focus on the image in the middle and his story and what the magazine has to offer about him. there is a skyline being used on this magazine which says ' STEVE HARVEY AINT HAVIN' IT:RAP,RADIO & THE N-WORD' this shows that this person they are talking about which is described as a rap artist and also a radio presenter maybe has had enough about something and mentions some language which isn't appropriate in anyway, but has used it due to maybe anger, frustration. this is known because the magazine doesn't show the full word of what they mean  by the N-WORD. 

Friday, 23 November 2012

Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

here is a diagram of maslow's hierarchy of needs, this shows us that his theory does affect everyone in a different way,  his work is based on psychology work, his work shows us how the human mind is motivated, and how our minds can create innate curiosity. he focused mainly on describing the stages of growth in humans, the main categories he used for his theory are physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, self-actualization, these were the categories he needed to describe the pattern that humans motivations generally move through.

how we can relate this to the work we are studying on our magazines, is that we can now tell what urges the audience to buy something they might not need, the motivation in there mind is making them buy something, this could be of many reasons why they are buying the magazine, for eg, jealousy of someone else, saw it in advert, saw certain things that stand out to them, etc. 

different music magazines

Different music magazine genres

here these are just some images of some different music magazines, and how the codes and conventions are being used to show the audience what the type of magazine is and also what it is about. such as for example the use of the different types of photography shows the type of magazine which is suitable for the appropriate member of the audience. because usually the main picture  is mainly what the magazine's biggest story they have inside. also another codes and convention that can change a lot within a magazine is the text being used, is certain styles, fonts or even the general wording of a sentacne doesn't really link well that could ruin the flow of the  actual magazine and could have an effect on the audience because they can get lost if the text is not appropriate. those are just a couple of simple codes and convention which are used in every magazine which also makes the magazine unique in its own way. 

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

my analysis of 3 music magazines

classic rock- aerosmith readers
1. what breakfast would they eat? cup of coffee and a cigarette
2.what kind of car will they have? van
3. there accommodation? council house
4. what kind of drink will they have? whiskey
5. what the TV show could they watch? MTV cribs, documentaries
6.what would be there favorite meal? beans on toast
7.what type of sports do they watch? american football
8.there relationship status? heterosexual relationship
9.there holiday? destination night life any destination
10. do they vote? no
11.type of bar/club/pub would they go to? rock concert/club, strip club
12.type of clothes? dark clothing
13. what age group? 25+
14. gender? mainly male
15. instrument? guitar, drums

X factor
1. what breakfast would they eat? cereal 
2.what kind of car will they have? average
3. there accommodation? semi-detached house
4. what kind of drink will they have? water
5. what the tv show could they watch? x factor, Britain got talent
6.what would be there favorite meal? English breakfast 
7.what type of sports do they watch? football
8.there relationship status? heterosexual
9.there holiday? somewhere hot
10. do they vote? yes
11.type of bar/club/pub would they go to? R'n'B concerts
12.type of clothes? bright, vibrant, fashionable
13. what age group? teens
14. gender? mainly female
15. instrument? acoustic guitar 

1. what breakfast would they eat? crunchy nut
2.what kind of car will they have? vauxhall astra 
3. there accommodation? flat
4. what kind of drink will they have? spirit
5. what the tv show could they watch? family guy, documentaries
6.what would be there favorite meal? mcdonalds, fish n chips
7.what type of sports do they watch? darts
8.there relationship status? heterosexual, one night stands 
9.there holiday? america
10. do they vote? yes
11.type of bar/club/pub would they go to? rock club 
12.type of clothes? cloaks
13. what age group? 16-25
14. gender? male
15. instrument? guitars 

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Media Front Cover

For this task we was told to create a front cover for our media folders, this would give us a chance to let us use our imgaination and come up with a suitbale display for the folders. Also our teacher mentioned who ever had the best design for there front cover would win a prize, therefore this motivated us to make this front cover the best we can. i used these various images because they are all media types and they show a good link towards what we are covering in the specification.

Saturday, 29 September 2012

My school magazine contents page

Here is my school magazine contents page, that i have created in Photoshop  i created this by using many different tools to get the right colours so that the colour scheme is flowing all the way through. just by using a simple gradient tool i created the blue mixed with white background to give a suttle touch to the look of the magazine. i think that the layout of this magazine is nice and simple and easy to understand so that the audience can read the contents page and not get confused with the page. 

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Creation Of School Magazine

This is my result of a newsletter for Hamstead Hall. I have created this newsletter cover to show the parents of students who may be starting or are attending Hamstead Hall about their recent GCSE results of the former year 11's. I also included images onto my newsletter cover, including a medium close up and a long shot. The colour scheme i have used for my newsletter is blue, i have chose this because it is the colour scheme of Hamstead Hall which makes all Hamstead Hall documents the same.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

On the 11of sept i got this blog created :D

On the 11 of september i got the blog up and running, time to start uploaded this work!. hopefully me choosing media studies will help me learn new skills to do with the media, and to understand how the media world is functioning around us 24/7. And also hopefully this would help me and benefit me in the future to do with my carer. by the end of this unit i hope to achieve to atleast a grade C or higher